Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

I am so blessed to have the two greatest Mothers in my life. My Mother has always been and always will be "Barbara Jean the Teenage Queen". She's the most lighthearted, joyful, fun person you can ever get the pleasure of meeting. Of course those are not her only qualities, that's just what you get the first time you meet her. She is also an extremely compassionate, loving, caring, nurturing, giving, ambitious, driven, intelligent, well spoken, professional woman who after raising both my sister and me, sold almost all of her belongings and left her home to be with my father and follow the Lord's calling to the mission field.
After spending nearly five years in Kingston Jamaica, she and my father returned to the US to start over. Five years ago, she took on a new challenge and added Realtor to the list of adjectives that describe her.
I am always blown away by her strength and character. My father, sister, me and now my wife are very lucky to have her in our lives.
If that wasn't great enough, a year and a half ago, I was given the gift of another great mother. I know that it is a long running joke that Mother-in-Laws are the bane of the husband's existence. That is so far from the truth in my life. When I married Chelle I married into the Shaffer family and I love it. My mother-in-law is awesome, and I love spending time with her and my father-in-law Butch. Every July we get together and spend a week with them, and although I am not sure if we will be together this July, I am missing them and looking forward to being with them as soon as we can.
Happy Mother's Day to my two favorite moms.


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